We encourage giving as an act of worship.

Text Giving

How do I designate my giving through text to give?
Type any of these abbreviations after your amount: “gen” for General, “oc” for Outreach Center, “bldg” for Building, “miss” for Missions, “y” for Youth.

If you do not type a designation then your gift will go directly to our General Fund.

What number do I text to give?
Text 84321 to give to the church via text message. This process is safe and secure.

How do I correct a mistake?
If you are using ACH, text “Mistake” within 30 minutes of your giving text and it will be stopped before getting to the bank. For everything else text “Refund” within 30 minutes and it will be refunded.

Giving in person

Who do I make checks payable to?
Make checks payable to “River Valley Church”.

How can I give cash?
Envelopes are available at our Welcome Table in the lobby for anyone that would like to give cash. Make sure you print your name clearly. If it is your first time giving or your address/contact information has changed, please print your address/contact information clearly on the envelope.

Mail a Gift

Mail your gift to

attn: Financial
River Valley Church
470 Pine St.
Williamsport, PA 17701

Can I mail cash?
You can mail cash but please be sure not to mail coin, also please be sure your bills are flat and not folded or crumpled.

Can I mail checks?
Yes, you can mail checks. Please make checks payable to “River Valley Church”. If you are designating to a fund please write that fund clearly in your memo.


(570) 326-7031


Sunday Worship: 10:00am
Thursday Night Youth (CFY): 7:00pm

470 Pine St, Williamsport, PA 17701


Affordable off-street parking for those working, living, or shopping in the downtown Williamsport area.